Friday night Becky and Barb prepped for the 'Cat Eye' night hike. It is a scavanger hunt for the boys where they must find the next cat head by following the instructions written on the back of the previous clue. The scouts use flashlights to spy the bike reflector's that look like cat eyes when a light hits them. While we try to come up with clues, Mike makes dinner and Robbie, Jeremy and Drake play in Robbie's tent.
Saturday morning started early with fishing followed by breakfast in the main lodge. Followed by a few activities... Robbie on the zip line!
Who said only the kids get to have fun? Yup, that's me...Barb, climbing the tree for the zip line. I did it last year and was definitely looking forward to doing it again this year.
Robbie enjoying kayaks. Mike watching Robbie enjoy the kayaks.
Robbie after making a sweet 'hole-in-one.'
An innocent game of volleyball.
Going up, at the top and then coming back down.
After group dinner was time for jokes, songs and storytelling.
And lastly, the best way to top off a wonderful weeked of camping, S'MORES by the campfire!