Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Minnesota's September Fishing Trip
Robbie's monster 37 inch, 11-1/2 pound Northern Pike.

Sharing fish stories with Grandpa and Woody, the 'fairly reliable guide.'

Now for Mike's 42 inch, 18 pound Northern Pike...

Grandpa reviews and gives his approval.

With both of those huge trophy's safely given to the taxidermist for processing, it's on to some more boating fun.

A creepy mine on one of the islands. Probably a neat place to check out on Halloween though... maw hahahahaha.

Fishing with Grandpa and Grandma is easy as... 1, 2 and 3 !

OK, that's not something you see every day...

Loads of fun at the cozy cabin!

Catching weeds... or so we thought.... Rob's 'weed fish.'